Política de envío


Economy Shipping within the U.S takes anywhere between 5 to 8 business days


You will receive an email when your order ships out along with a tracking number.

If you have not received an email with a tracking number then your order is still processing and has not shipped out yet.



It can take up to 3-5 business days for your order to be processed, packed and shipped. The processing and packing time is separate from the shipping time. The shipping estimated time is added on top of the processing time. Standard shipments will ship via USPS or UPS depending on your choice. You will receive a shipment notification email with tracking once your order has shipped.


If you are experiencing a non-delivery or your tracking information states that your package was delivered by the carrier but you have not received it; you must contact us within 7 days to file a claim.

We will assist you in working with the carrier to complete the claims process. Please note: Claims can take up to 30 days to complete (depending on the shipping carrier used).

EXVIN does not hold or accept responsibility for packages that have been reported as delivered by the carrier. We do not issue refunds or credits for packages that the carrier confirms as being delivered.